Friday, June 22, 2007

Red rock canyon

Thursday, June 21st - this is a spectacular red rock canyon we rode through today, it was very windy, a 30 mph wind, a headwind of course, blowing directly into our face. Almost impossible to pedal against. In the morning was a beautiful relaxed ride. I remember thinking to myself that I finally reached that higher peaceful plane of existance, that peaceful calm relaxed, no rush feeling. I knew I would reach this state of mind, I just didn't think it would take 21 days. There are a number of reasons it took so long, but the main reason was the fast paced nature of the tour. Wake up at 4am, pack up again, load van by 5:30, breakfast at 6am, on the road by 7am, ride until late afternoon, check in the next motel, hang up wet laundry that was washed the day before, wash clothes in sink from today, ice down knees, stretch for one half hour, get clothes ready for next day, go to dinner at 6:30, get back from dinner at 9pm, study route for next day and go to sleep by 9:30, then get back up
at 4am again. You get the idea, sounds like fun doesn't it. Actually it is, in a crazy kind of way.

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