Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Winds of Wyoming

this is from monday the 18th
The winds in Wyoming are unreal. We rode into a steady 30 mph wind for 50 miles this morning. At one point 5 of us huddled in the van for a few minutes just to get away from the wind.
On a good note, the wind was so loud that I could not here my roaring tinintus (loud ringing in ears) all day long for the first time in three years. I am afraid we are in for three more days of this wind, I canhear the wind howling outside right now. However, the Wyoming drivers have beed the most courteous drivers by far from anywhere we have been so far.


Anonymous said...

Rob: A wind like that tends to bring out the hate my sport emotion. I have never had a tail wind as strong or long as you did a few days ago, but I guess you can have one without the other. Sorry to read about Paula. Think about how much she would want to be there riding when it really gets tough. Jim.

Anonymous said...

thanks Jim
really sad about Paula
those are nice thoughts you wrote about her