Saturday, July 14, 2007

Exhilarating Day

The following set of photos is from the second day on the Icefields Parkway, from The Crossing to Sunwapta Falls. They are also posted in reverse chronological order so you can scroll down and see the day as it unfolded.
I felt energized and fantastic riding from The Crossing to Sunwapta Falls. I was so melancholy yesterday and wondered if I was going to feel that way the rest of the Icefields.
I felt exhilarated and entralled cycling toward the place my cat Sunwapta is named after. My
legs felt fresh again, and my spirit and soul were soaring. The temperature was 44 degrees when we started. I was cold but felt great and wonderful cycling as fast as I could the 20 miles to the beginning of the climb to the Sunwapta Pass. I also was pedaling fast so that I could get into the sunlight so I could get warm.
The ride up Sunwapa Pass was great, the last pass of trip. I kept taking photos along the way, simply an incredibly beautiful day. The spirits of my departed cats joined with me again for the rest of the day.
The tour is essentially over now after a 65 mile day with 5000 feet of climbing.Tomorrow is a short day, 35 miles, a parade lap into Jasper
What started 41 days ago now comes to an end. Today was not an emotional day, but a day for the spirit and soul to soar.
I suspect tomorrow might be a very emotional day.

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