Saturday, June 16, 2007

Segment 3 Complete

In Breckenridge now, segment 3 of 12 sements of the TDCD is complete. About one third ofthe tour is complete now. Total mileage so far is 755 miles, total elevation gain is 48,390 ft, total riding time on the bike is 63 hours, and total time from the leaving the motel and arriving at the next one is 77 hours.
Saturday we start segment 4 of 12. It might be the hardest day of the tour. We ride from Breck to Winter Park, two major mountain passes of about 3000 feet each, Loveland Pass in the morning and Bearthoud Pass in the afternoon, will probably be a 70 mile day with about 10,000 ft of elevation gain. Then the ride will mellow out a bit as we ride into northern Colorado and Wyoming and head towards The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. The posts to this blog may be erratic for a while as we enter remote regions of CO and WY and cell phone and cell data coverage will probably become very sparse again.
Two new people has joined for the middle leg. One I met before on a ride through Glacier Natl Park in 2000. We also changed tour leaders for the second leg, one of the tour leaders I had before while riding through CO in 1997.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob: I know this area of your tour pretty well. Gives me some serious nostalgia. Hang in there. Funny how you can have a love /hate thing going with your sport, isn't it. Jim.