Saturday, July 14, 2007


Funny thing is, one of my most distinct memories of the entire tour is one where I had no idea of where I was at all. I woke up around 2 am, like I normally did, since I got up at 4am just about every day of the tour. Usually I would go back to sleep for an hour or two. This night when I woke up, I had absolutely no idea where I was. I just knew I was not home. I did not know what town I was in, which hotel I was in, or where I was at all. I guess after almost 40 days on the road, each night in a different place, this is not too surprising. I needed to get to the bathroom so I could get a drink of water. I remember walking very carefully, shuffling my feet so very gingerly and slowly so that I would not stub a toe or trip in the dark over unseen furniture or my luggage and stuff strewn around the room. Since I had no idea where I was, I did not remember the layout of the room or where I put all my stuff which was often on the floor if there was not a second bed in the room. To this day I am not sure where this momentary lapse of remembering where I was happened. I just know it happened in Canada because it was near the end of the tour.

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