Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Tour is Complete

Totals from The Tour De Continental Divide:

- 2,455 miles ridden
- 139,397 feet of cumulative elevation gain, almost 5 times as high as Mt. Everest
- 38 days riding
- 200:28 hours riding time (elapsed time front wheel is turning as measured by the cyclocomputer, also the rear wheel is turning too!)
- 248:00 hours total time from departure destination to arrival destination

- Average Speed - 12.275 mph
- Top speed, 46.9 mph

- Total Days of Tour, 43
- Times rained on, 0
- Days of brilliant sunshine all day long, 42
- States, 5
- Countries, 2
- Provinces, 2
- Wrong Turns, 0

- Different motels, 41
- Times I forgot my motel room number and had to go to the front desk to get into my room, 1
- Times I locked myself out of my room, 1

- Sets of new tires, 3
- Flat tires, 0
- Mechanical Failures, 0
- Bicycle adjustments, 0
- Advil Pills, 162

Casualties - one camera broken, two lost cycling gloves, one Halo headband (guess I lost my halo on this tour, never mind, I found the headband as the last item I removed from my suitcase, amazing how something can get lost in a suitcase), one lost cleat cover, one deer.

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