Sunday, July 15, 2007

So, what have you learned Dorothy?

These are the lessons I learned during my odessey.
- This tour was much more difficult mentally and emotionally than physically.
- Stay positive and see the all the possibilities, not the obstacles. This will allow you to achieve great endeavors in your life.
- Never sign up for a bike trip when you have been drinking.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Always check the direction of the wind before peeing.
- Buy Fedex stock. I saw Fedex trucks every day of the trip in the most remote places.
- Riding into a headwind is really hard, and a tailwind is really easy. The difference between a headwind and a tailwind can mean taking one hour or four hours to finish the last 30 miles before reaching your destination. So whenever possible, go with the flow.
- People working together is so much easier than one working alone. I discovered this riding bikes taking turns drafting behind other cyclists. This is true in life too. It is easier to have others to help you share the effort. One can rest a little bit while the others takes on the effort. Still, I think I rode over 99 percent of the time by myself.
- Riding together can also lead to wrecks since you can't always see what is in front of you. So be careful who you choose to ride through life with.
- Never ever complain, no one listens anyhow. People will perceive you as negative and will eventually avoid you.
- You can almost live on granola bars and Gatorade.
- I did not see a newspaper or turn on a TV for six weeks. All the same news happened whether I watched it or not. So who cares, turn off the news. Leave the TV and radio behind.
- You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to.
- Take deep breaths.
- If all you do all week is go to work and come home at night and watch TV, then on the weekends work on your home and yard, all you have really done is build yourself a really nice comfortable prison.
- If there is something you really want to do in life, do it now, or make plans to do it. You never know when your time is up, and tomorrow is promised to no one.
- Anything is possible if you prepare and plan well, and are very organized. Then while in the endeavour, focus only on that day and the immediate task before you. Then go with the flow.

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